Capability Development

Aligning your operating model with your strategy to
create capabilities that make a difference and keep
your business continuously moving forward

Every year brings increased pressures and new competitive threats, continuously challenging the operating model of many of our clients’ businesses. Whilst having a clear strategy is important, our experience has shown that enabling it through a coherent operating model is the key to sustainable success. We make sure that it directly aligns with your strategy yet remains flexible enough to adapt to continuously changing requirements.

Our comprehensive approach covers analysis, design and delivery of coordinated improvements in process design, organisation design and people capability development. We advocate “you can’t improve what you can’t measure,” so designing and implementing a balanced scorecard of performance measures is integral to our approach.

Examples of our achievements with previous clients include :

  • Post-merger integration: designed and implemented a fully integrated operating model that supported delivery of the merger’s financial and operational goals
  • Sales & Operations Planning: design and implementation of a Global S&OP process including the improvement and integration of robust underpinning processes, turned our client’s strategic intent into operational reality
  • Organisation & people capability development: remodelled the organisation design and improved the corresponding people capabilities to deliver critical business processes and integrated ways of working